CBIO 2200 Midterm: Skeletal System Study Guide

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13 Oct 2021

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Long (femur, humerus, radius, ulna), short bones (carpal, tarsal), flat bones (sternum, scapulae, ribs, cranial), irregular (sphenoids), sesamoid (patella: the functional unit of compact bone is an osteon. Make sure to include the lamella, central canal, perforating canal, osteocytes, lacuna, and canaliculi: describe the structure of spongy bone. Has trabeculae, lighter and less dense than compact bone, has bone marrow: describe the difference between the structure of flat bones and long bones. When describing long bones use the following words: endosteum, periosteum, medullary cavity, diaphyses, epiphyses and articular cartilage. Periosteum: ct covering bone, provides attachment points for tendons and ligaments, nutrient foramen. Medullary cavity: hollow chamber in diaphysis containing marow. Endosteum: thin membrane containing bone forming cells and lines medullary cavity. Flat bones: where hematopoesis happens in an adult, protect internal organs, large area of attachment for muscles: name the two types of bone marrow and give their functions.