PSYCH1010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Romanian Orphans, Psychodynamics, Heritability

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= changes in how we think, feel, in others. Attachment: orphan monkey; love and nurture over food (harlow, romanian orphans; intellectual/social/emotional issues + rocking motion (self stimulation) How we learn about the world our beliefs, values, skills, behaviour, social patterns of society. 4 parenting styles: authoritative enforce standards, but encourage verbal give and take, authoritarian value obedience and respect, permissive imposes minimal control on their children, uninvolved parents own needs above children. + guidance approach parents helping manage their emotions and learning to be considerate. Gender roles specify range of behaviours appropriate for male and female. Sex typing process by which children acquire personality traits, emotions, skills etc. considered culturally appropriate for their sex. Gender stereotypes: early brain differences men more aggressive, women more nurturing; based on testosterone, perpetuated over time. Peers: friendships usually same gender, meaning of friendship changes with age young self-gratification, older intimacy. Influence"s socialisation of young people: research shows social media use, maintains offline relationships.