BIOL 235 Study Guide - Final Guide: Thermostat, Inferior Olivary Nucleus, Reticular Formation

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18 Jun 2021

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Table 14. 2 summary of functions of principal parts of the brain. Medulla oblongata: contains sensory (ascending) and motor (descending) tracts. Cardiovascular center regulates heartbeat and blood vessel diameter. Medullary rhythmicity area (together with pons) regulates breathing. Contains gracile nucleus, cuneate nucleus, gustatory nucleus, cochlear nuclei, and vestibular nuclei (components of sensory pathways to brain). Inferior olivary nucleus provides instructions that cerebellum uses to adjust muscle activity when learning new motor skills. Other nuclei coordinate vomiting, swallowing, sneezing, coughing, and hiccupping. Contains nuclei of origin for cranial nerves viii, ix, x, Reticular formation (also in pons, midbrain, and diencephalon) functions in. Pontine nuclei relay nerve impulses from motor areas of cerebral cortex to cerebellum. Contains vestibular nuclei (along with medulla) that are part of equilibrium pathway to brain. Pneumotaxic area and apneustic area (together with the medulla) help control breathing. Contains nuclei of origin for cranial nerves v, vi, vii, and viii.