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H. Chen

Verified Documents for H. Chen

Class Notes

Taken by our most diligent verified note takers in class covering the entire semester.
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Pycharm, Teaching Philosophy, Computer Architecture
C++ & c are very dangerous/unsafe -- guarantee job security. This course = teaches python (been around for almost 30 years) gold or rust (professor
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Git, Critical Thinking, Memory Hierarchy
Computer science classes used to teach c and c++, but they have security vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities guarantee jobs for those working in sec
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: 3I, Endianness, Binary Number
Ecs 36a - lecture 2 - bits and bytes at work. Bit -- most basic unit of data. Byte = 8 bits = 2^3 bits (base 2) How many bits do you need to represent
ECS 36A Lecture 2: ECS 36A - Lecture #2 - Data Representation
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Lookup Table, Iterator, Unicode
Ecs 36a - lecture 3 - control flow. 8-bit signed integer [-128, 127] : there is one less positive number because of 0. Signed integers (negative) -- th
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: List Comprehension, Double-Ended Queue, Abstract Data Type
Ecs 36a - lecture 4 - data structure overview. Mutable the individual indexed values can be changed. : [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, cat" ] Remove(x) : removes the f
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: List Comprehension, Tuple, Nested Function
Ecs 36a - lecture 5 - scopes and namespaces. List [ __ , __, __ ] values can be redefined anywhere in the program making them mutable. Tuple __ , __ ,_
ECS 36A Lecture 6: Exceptions
Namespaces: this is the order in which the program searches for variables (top bottom) Visual example: def f() x = nonlocal def g() x = local print (x)
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Iter, Chromosome, Init
Ecs 36a - lecture 7 - classes if word in d: else: d[word] += 1 d[word] = 1. ~this requires checking the dictionary two times per iteration~ try: d[word
ECS 36A Lecture 8: Recursions
Is when a function calls on itself in its own definition. A recursion processes. def factorial(n): if n == 1: return 1 else: return n * factorial(n - 1
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 9: Big O Notation, Loop Invariant, Iter
Ecs36a - lecture 9 - big o notation. An algorithm is a computational procedure that turns inputs into outputs. In programming, algorithms are often see
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Big O Notation, Big Two, Sorting Algorithm
Ecs 36a - lecture 10 - sorting e(g(n)) = { f(n) c 1 , c 2 , n 0 s. t. , n> n 0 , c , g(n) <= f(n) <= c2g(n) } : f(n) = function of interest, C
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 12: Integer Overflow, Database Server, Type Inference
Ecs 36a - lecture 12 - types, variables, control flow in rust. Why our focus is shifting to rust and away from python: Python was a decent language in
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Endianness, Hash Table, Static Variable
In this case, b3 is still the most significant byte -- . Conceptual representation of there is no choice in the order that this is read, processors hav
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 18: Substructural Type System, C Dynamic Memory Allocation, Impi
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 19: Airbus A400M Atlas, Functional Testing, Valgrind
Ecs 36a - lecture 19 - testing and debugging. Software testing -- process to make sure the actual outputs of a program match the expected results,lets
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 20: Call Stack, Compile Time, Time Complexity
Ecs 36a - lecture 20 - ownership, borrowing, and lifetime #2. #start of y"s lifetime let y = 0: x = &y println! ( { } , x) fn f() &i32 { let x
ECS 36A Lecture Notes - Lecture 21: Substructural Type System, Compile Time