CHEM 116 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Ideal Gas Law, Ideal Gas, Electrolyte

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13 Jan 2017

Document Summary

A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. Usually solvent is water (in this course) Solute can be one of 3 types. Non electrolyte: solute does not dissociate to form ions. Strong electrolyte: solute fully dissociates to form ions. Weak electrolyte: solute partially dissociates to form ions. Measure of amount of solute in solvent. 1 molar = 1 m = 1 mol/1 l. In a solution containing species a and b. A = na/ntotal na = number of moles of species a ntotal = na + nb. Gas mixtures ideal gas describes the state of n moles of a pure ideal gas use pressure (p), temperature (t), and volume (v) P,t,v variables relate through the ideal gas law. Temp: proportional to average kinetic energy of gas particles (in kelvin) 2 if it"s not a strong acid it is a weak acid. Pressure: measure of average force due to particles colliding with a wall (force/area)