L33 Psych 100B Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Rapideye

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25 Oct 2017

Document Summary

General gradual increase from waking until about 4-5 hours after waking. Dip in alertness about 5 hours after waking, increase from . 3 am: most difficult time to work (most tired) Surge around 10 am (even without sleeping) Won"t necessarily fall asleep easily after pulling an all nighter. Ex: wake up at 10 pm for night shift of work, dip occurs around 2-3am. Cave experiment: live in cave for 274 days with only artificial light; natural rhythm of sleep is 25 hours, end up sleeping later and later each day. Answer: yes, light/dark cycles play a role in our rhythms. Sleep labs: hook up electrodes to see brain activity, physiological changes. Awake, drowsy, stage 1, stage 2, slow wave (3 and 4), rem sleep (rapid eye. Cycle back to stage 2, then have first bout of rem (which is relatively short) If awakened during rem, about 90% report dreaming (vs stage 4, about 10% report dreaming)