CHEM 1035 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Antoine Lavoisier, Phlogiston Theory

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16 Jul 2016

Document Summary

1. 2 chemical arts and the origins of modern chemistry. Study of nature that began in the 1st century ad. Influenced by greek idea that matter strives for perfection Tried to turn baser materials into purer ones. Invented distillation, percolation, extraction, and developed several apparatus that are still used today. Most important contribution was the encouragement of observation and experimentation. Ever since the 13th century, distillates, extracts of roots, herbs, and other plant matter have been used as sources of medicines. Paracelsus (1493-1541) considered the body to be a chemical system and illness an imbalance that could be restored by treatment with drugs. The phlogiston fiasco and the impact of lavoisier. Chemical investigation in the modern sense began in the 17th century. Most scientists explained combustion, the process of burning, with the phlogiston theory. Proposed that combustible materials contain phlogiston, an undetectable substance released when the material burns. French chemist antoine lavoisier performed several experiments to prove the phlogiston theory wrong: