RELG 2260 Lecture 15: Lecture 15 - Hicks

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A theory of religion which is neither naturalistic, nor confessional, but religiously pluralistic. It is impossible to refute, at a general level, either the naturalistic perspective on religion or the religious perspective on religion. H"s pluralistic religious perspective interprets religion as our varied human response to a transcendent reality or realities. Human-science views of religion, and religious views of religion, need not be mutually exclusive. Hicks is starting out from a christian position, but is not restricted to that tradition. After all, anyone"s religious background seems to be an accident of birth. A pluralistic hypothesis will have to contravene what each religion says about itself, since each religion sees itself as superior. Ludwig wittgenstein"s concept of family-resemblance concepts. e. g. , game ; all the things called games do not share a common essence. A religious definition of religion says that religion is a response to a transcendent reality (which could be beyond, within, or both).