CHEM 2301 Lecture 8: Study Guide 4

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Gwgl: you are given the following samples to run on a sds-polyacrylamide gel. Diagram the gel and indicate the approximate positions of the bands that you expect to see in each lane. Label each band with its molecular weight: a ladder of bands made by mixing proteins of known molecular weight and treating them with sds (to denature the proteins) and beta-mercaptoethanol (to break disulfide bonds). Silvia rojas 4620673 deeqa isse 5128128: you are digesting a protein that contains 625 amino acids with two different proteases, Each protease recognizes and cuts at a specific, short sequence of amino acids. However, you find that treatment of the non-denatured protein with each of these proteases for an hour results in only partial digestion of the protein (see results in table). List the segments (a-e) of the protein that are most likely to be folded into stable, compact domains.