SOC 350 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: 2005 World Summit, Raphael Lemkin, Atlantic Charter

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Understanding the un and the history of human rights. The idea of human rights has become so important that in cases it can override the sanctity of state sovereignty. Framed in a hr rhetoric, ie the holocaust. Although recognized as a major issue at the conclusion of the war, no government had strong provisions to protect hr in any certified document. Newly independent states promote racial equality: their domestic repression is revealed. ; ie south africa apartheid and dictatorship issues: self-determination gained new ground. Forestalls advancement of hr activities and elevates the legitimacy of hr principles. American"s hypocritical racism was a target of soviet union attacks. Rise of ngo"s (beginning in the 1980"s) Info gathering, naming and shaming, de facto enforcement mechanism. 193 member states; newest is south sudan. Six main organs: security council: http://www. securitycouncilreport. org, p-5 plus 10 non-permanent members (resolutions passed with support by at least 4 non-permanent members and no veto by.