CHEM 216 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Ethyl Acetate, Infrared Spectroscopy, Wittig Reaction

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Tabtila chowdhury: create a table below to concisely communicate the important results from your experiment (this may include important ir peaks, rf values by tlc, approximate reaction time, percent yield or anything else that you think is important). A was the 4-cholorobenzaldehyde sm and b and c matched the sm while d and e were the. *no mp was taken for this experiment because liquid products formed. No mp; all were liquid products of product. She just did a tlc with her expected product against sm. In our initial hypothesis we expected the solvents to not have an impact on product formation and that all of our products would have the same percent yield because we were not altering the reactants, but only the solvents. From our data we understand that dcm produced the greatest yield, then ethyl acetate, and lastly 100% ethanol.