HIST250 Lecture Notes - Lecture 24: Nuremberg, International Criminal Tribunal For The Former Yugoslavia

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International criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia (icty) Evidence of german war crimes had been gathered in years past. Overwhelmed by tasks to interview camp staff, survivors, etc. to get evidence. The core took them into the u. s. to work for them and keep them out of destructive nations (soviet, We can kill you or work for the united states. The largest of these trials were in nuremburg (1945-46) Murder, deportation, slavery, mistreatment of pows, killing of hostages, destroying cities or towns. Germany had waged wars of aggression not about the extermination of minorities. 12 were sentenced to death, 3 were given life in prison, 4 prison terms, some committed suicide during trial. 3 nazi physicians were charged on conducting inhumane. 3 nazi physicians were charged on conducting inhumane experiments. Out of 23: 16 convicted; 7 were acquitted. Lemkin lobbied to have germans charged with genocide. Convention of the prevention & punishment of the crime of genocide.