BISC306 Lecture 11: Lecture 11

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Telencephalon: basal ganglia, cerebral cortex is the seat of consciousness; gets larger with more intelligent organisms, macaque brain, because more convoluted and more folds, there"s more space for computation. Organization of the somatosensory cortex and motor cortex: in motor cortex, certain areas are more represented like hands, fingers, face, lips. Gives finer motor control: same thing applies to somatosensory cortex hands are overrepresented, maps like these are found in many areas of the nervous system. Parasympathetic division: preganglionic originates in cranial nerves, and sacral level, same things innervated as in sympathetic; but opposite effects, parasympathetic"s inhibit, typically, nts, preganglionic: acetylcholine, postganglionic: acetylcholine, receptors, postganglionic: nicotinic ach, target: muscarinic ach. Sensing the environment: internal and external: transduction stimulus causes a change in membrane potential, receptor cells are neurons or epithelial cells. Both cell types release nts: think of them as spiking neurons, epithelial cells unlikely to produce ap"s, the primary afferent neuron sends signal to the cns.