BISC207 Lecture 13: Chapter 12-2

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BISC207 Full Course Notes
BISC207 Full Course Notes
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Can represent the life of a cell as the cell cycle. Often the longest phase of the cell cycle. If cell stays in g1 for good it has existed in the cycle and is in g0 (g not) - do not divide. Nuclear division creates 2 daughter cells that are identical to parent cell. Pair of sister chromatids = one chromosome as long as they are physically attached. Kinetochore proteins lie over the centromere region. Part of the equipment that moves the chromosome around. 1 copy of each type of chromosome (=n) 2 copies of each type of chromosome (=2n) Somatic cells of diploid organism are 2n. Consists of 5 phases that occur after interphase. Chromosomes replicate - required for mitosis to occur. 4 chromosomes - 2 of each type. Nuclear envelope breaks down, spindle forms, kinetochore microtubules attach to kinetochore proteins. Line up at the middle of the cell. Sister chromatids separate and move to poles.