CHEM 1122 Lecture Notes - Lecture 27: Demon Knight, Photon, Determinism

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14 Nov 2018

Document Summary

Light can also exist as a particle known as a photon. It can, therefore, behave like a particle. An older vision: the universe is a clock. We may regard the present state of the universe as the effect of its past and the cause of its future. Pierre simon de laplace, a philosophical essay on probabilities. Ludwig boltzmann showed in 1877 that random collisions between atomic particles in a gas could explain the increase in entropy that is the second law of. The equations that rule our universe are unstable and the numerical solution have too much uncertainty to be predictable. A wave going through two slits shows a series of locations and accumulation interference pattern observed. The universe is complicated and so are photons and electrons. If there is one slit the electron will show a particle-like pattern but when electrons go through two slits they show an interference pattern.