CHEM 1P Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Atomic Number, Atomic Orbital, Nonmetal

41 views3 pages
10 Oct 2016

Document Summary

Chemistry: science that deals with structure and behavior of matter. Scientific models: simplified yet useful representations of something real, model is simplified approximation of reality. Particles are trapped between walls formed by other particles strongly attracted to each other. Volume is constant but shape can vary (fluidity) Particles move fast enough to break/form attractions quickly. Speed of movement prevents the formation the walls in a solid. Particles always move from one part of the liquid to another. Less organized particles with more space between them: gas. A particle on the surface of a liquid is kicked out by other particles. It is too far to be attracted back as a liquid, so it becomes a gas. A total of 18 groups: group names. Inner transitional metals: solid, liquid, and gaseous elements. Atoms: tiny- about 10^-10 m, parts of an atom. 1. 00728 grams per mole located n the nucleus. 1. 00867 grams per mole located in the nucleus.