COMN 1600 Lecture Notes - Lecture 7: Living Media, Gail Dines, Bourgeoisie

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Most main characters are white, middle class, males. Everything that you know about other cultures and your culture will come from the media. We learn that our looks give us power. When men tell us we are pretty it makes us feel empowered and confident. How a person identifies oneself (self-identity) and how society identified this person. Race, nationality, ethnicity, language, class, cultural capital, gender, sexuality, religion, (dis)ability, physical attractiveness, age. Media influences us from a very young age. The idea of masculinity as we see it was formed perhaps before the media conglomerates, but the media exacerbates it. The ceos of most media conglomerates are white men. Struggle for women and other races to get into the business. White men are more likely to hire white men because it is who they associated with. More likely to hang out and associate with people like you.