NSD 225 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Lecithin, Triglyceride, Glycerol

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Neutral fats (butter, marg arine, etc). a. b. Neutral (true fats) are organic esters of one molecule of glycerol and 3 molecules of fatty acids. These fats constitut e 98 99% of food & body fats. glycerol + 3 fatty acids = a fat or simple triglyceride (tg) Phos p h olipid s fatlike substa n c e containing glycerol, phosphoru s, nitrogen. It is used in food manufact uring as an emulsifying agent. Cephalin s found in brain tissue&ess e n ti al for blood clotting. Sphin g o m y e li n s source of phosphoric acid; found in brain and nerve tissue. Many fatty acids are found in food and body fat. Some of the fatty acids contain as many as 29 carbon atoms and some as few as 4 (butyric acid). The fa in foods and all natural fats are straight carbon chains with an even numb er of carbon atoms.