PSYC 408 Lecture 5: Oct 11 Theories of Learning

45 views1 pages
28 Jul 2018

Document Summary

Continuous reinforcement schedule every specified response is rewarded. Intermittent reinforcement schedule only some responses are reinforced. Reinforcement relies on a predictable number of responses (high rate of responses with behavioral pauses) Reinforcer can either be easy to obtain(dense) or hard to obtain (lean) Stretching the ratio - moving from dense -> lean or lean -> dense. Ratio stain - overly demanding requirement which leads to break in behavior. Variable ratio high and steady rate of responses with no pauses more unpredictable reward schedule (avg. of responses) Fixed interval reinforcement relies on the first response after a fixed period of time behaviors during the interval are ineffective produces scalloped pattern of responding (increasing response rate) Variable interval reinforcement relies on first response after a varying, unpredictable time period produces moderate steady rate of responses (avg. intervals) little to no post-reinforcement pause. Fixed duration (fd) - behavior must be performed continuously for a fixed period of time.