01:830:271 Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Fetus, Teratology, Nicotine

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25 Mar 2020

Document Summary

What you have done is to conduct one type of qualitative research, which involves gaining in-depth understanding of human behavior and what governs it. Qualitative research seeks to uncover reasons underlying various aspects of behavior. Because qualitative research typically involves intensive observation of behavior over extended periods, the need is for small focused samples rather than large random samples. 2 major steps psychologists must take to ensure they are conducting their research ethically. Do not memorize table 2. 1 or table 2. 2 (but do know that x and y can come in many different combinations - but that there has to be at least 1 x. ) Know the different ways in which genes and environment work together to produce a trait or behaviors. Do not memorize the timing of events depicted in figure 2. 4. Do know the timing of the 3 different prenatal periods and generally what happens during each.