PSYC 31773 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Genetic Linkage, Onet.Pl, Occupational Information Network

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Standards for Decision Making
Criteria- standards used to help make evaluative judgements
Disagreements and discrepancies occur in
oChoices over proper criteria
oDisagreements about their definition
Conceptual criterion- theoretical
Actual criteria- empirical measurements
Criterion deficiency- degree to which actual criteria fails to overlap with conceptual criteria
Criterion relevance- how much critical and conceptual criteria overlap
Criterion contamination- unrelated to conceptual criteria
oBias- extent to which criteria consistently measure something else
oError- extent to which actual criterion is unrelated
oDistort conceptual criterion
Can be somewhat statistically controlled
Work analysis
Work analysis- formal procedure identifying a job, and what is needed to do that job
oWork content- tasks, responsibilities, work output
oWork attributes- knowledge, skills, abilities, personal characteristics
oWork context- physical and psychological conditions in the work environment as
well as organizational and external environments
Position- set of tasks performed by a single employee
Job- set of similar positions within an organization
Job family- grouping of similar jobs in an organization
Sources of work information
Subject matter expert- knowledgeable enough about a topic to serve as a qualified
information source
oJob incumbent- have the job
oJob supervisor
oTrained work analyst
Work Analytic Procedures
Task oriented procedures- understand work by examining actual tasks that are performed
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Document Summary

Criteria- standards used to help make evaluative judgements. Disagreements and discrepancies occur in: choices over proper criteria, disagreements about their definition. Criterion deficiency- degree to which actual criteria fails to overlap with conceptual criteria. Criterion relevance- how much critical and conceptual criteria overlap. Criterion contamination- unrelated to conceptual criteria: bias- extent to which criteria consistently measure something else, error- extent to which actual criterion is unrelated, distort conceptual criterion. Position- set of tasks performed by a single employee. Job- set of similar positions within an organization. Job family- grouping of similar jobs in an organization. Subject matter expert- knowledgeable enough about a topic to serve as a qualified information source: job incumbent- have the job, job supervisor, trained work analyst. Task oriented procedures- understand work by examining actual tasks that are performed. Work analytic procedures: what is accomplished, rate tasks on various dimensions, functional job analysis- defines jobs based on.