Philosophy PHIL-P 110 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: William Lane Craig, Cosmological Argument, Theism

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Every effect derives eventually from a rst cause. Chain of events and all events trace back to an origin. If there is a rst cause, it is god. No body doubts the existence of integers, then why isn"t it acceptable that a series of events has a similar structure. Integers do not have an end or a beginning. 3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, . Therefore, he rejects the second premise that every cause does not need to have a rst cause. Which means, god does not exist according to the cosmological argument. William lane craig is a christian philosopher that defends the cosmological argument, although most theist philosophers reject the cosmological argument. There aren"t any things such as integers or the integers are mere intellectual constructs . The thesis that there are no such things such as numbers representative symbols for concepts rather than tangible objects. since they are.