CHEM-C - Chemistry and Chemical Biology CHEM-C 106 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Second Voyage Of Hms Beagle, Punctuated Equilibrium, Darwinism

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Chapter 18: introduction to darwinian evolution (and selected historical figures) Objective 1: define evolution, population, and species (knowledge/comprehension) Major historical change in biology - evolution occurs through natural selection in organisms. Theories based on the beagle voyage and ideas proposed by others such as malthus and alfred. Objective 2: compare and contrast the interrelationship between natural selection, genetic change, and survival (knowledge/comprehension/application: natural selection, change and survival. Important things to keep in mind for evolution: natural selection, change, survival. B. organisms survive as a result of changes that have occurred in gene pool (natural selection) C. they do not change to survive (ex. when a drought happens, animals will die, not change) D. modifications or changes do not need to result in a more complex or ordered state. *idea that organisms change to survive is a misconception* Objective 3: name several historical figures and describe their contribution to views on classification and evolution (knowledge/comprehension: selected historical figures [time line]