CHEM-C - Chemistry and Chemical Biology CHEM-C 106 Lecture Notes - Lecture 11: Symbiogenesis, Pyrite, Autotroph

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Autotroph an organism capable of producing its own organic compounds from inorganic materials (photosynthesis for example) Coacervate a specific type of protobiont containing enzymes used for more complex synthesis single membrane organelles originated by budding off the internal. Endosymbiont an organisms that lives in or on another. Endosymbiosis theory double membrane organelles arose from a symbiotic relationship in which the endosymbiont living inside the cell lost its autonomy and became incorporated as an organelle within that cell. Heterotroph an organism not capable of producing its own organic molecules from inorganic materials (will be a consumer) Microsphere one type of protobiont; produced by adding water to abiotically form polypeptides. Stromatolite a column of prokaryote cells that become fossilized (living stromatolites are extremely rare) Chapter 21: the origin and evolutionary history of life. Objective 1: describe the early conditions on early earth (knowledge/comprehension: environment and evolution of organic molecules.