PUP-3002 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Policy Analysis, Scientific Method, Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences

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8 Apr 2016

Document Summary

The systemaic evaluaion of public policy-does the policy work: public problems; emerging concerns. Their causes: policy soluions and their impacts, compare to policy process. Giving advice: y is going to be a big problem in the future, if we adopt policy x,y is likely to improve. The tools that policymakers use to address a policy problem. Regulaion-you can or cannot do: compeiive or protecive. Government management-the gov"t just takes over and manages the problem itself. Systemaic applicaion of the scieniic method to the study of public policy. Scieniic method: form a theory, construct a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, analyze the data, adjust your theory. Theory: well-established principle use to explain some phenomenon. Hypothesis: a speciic testable predicion derived from theory: a causal statement about a relaionship between two variables, an empirical if, then statement. X increases the chance that y will happen. This is tricky, tricky: what would have happened had x stayed the same.