PSY 455 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Attachment In Adults, Social Rejection, John Bowlby

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Attachment styles: or the innate and adaptive propensity of human beings to make strong affectional bonds to particular others (bowlby, internal working model. A set of internalized expectations of the accessibility and responsiveness of attachment figures - that serves as a prototype for later relationships and influences subsequent interpersonal relationships: adult attachment style. Person"s characteristic beliefs, attitudes, and expectations about the self (worthy of love and support vs. not worthy of love and support), other people (available and supportive vs. unavailable and rejecting), and relationships (rewarding vs punishing) Anxiety dimension: refers to the extent to which an individual worries or is concerned about being rejected or unloved by others. Avoidance dimension: refers to the degree to which an individual actively avoids or approaches intimacy, connection, and closeness with others: secure attachment style. Have a high level of attachment-related anxiety combined with a low level of attachment-related avoidance.