PLS 201 Lecture Notes - Lecture 13: Precedent, Decision-Making, Advice And Consent

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Committed to providing fair and equal access to justice for all californians . State courts" place is to verify the actions of: the executive, the legislative, the popular will. Top reasons people go: family matters & traffic. Capital criminal cases goes from trial supreme. Infraction: a fine rather than jail time, heard by a judge only. Misdemeanors: max punishment ,000 fine & a year in jail. Punishment may be a state prison sentence or death 75. District attorneys have a conviction success rate of around 80% Civil suits: disputes between individuals or organizations seeking monetary compensation for damage through. Defective products: 1. 2 million annually in ca. Reflects litigation as normal for solving problems: unlike criminal cases, parties in a civil suit are not guaranteed the right to counsel. District court of appeals: if loser in the trial court believes the law was not applied properly, then they may appeal the court to the higher, 9 locations; 105 justice; approx.