COM 204 Lecture Notes - Lecture 10: Gradualism, Measuring Instrument, Glossary Of Policy Debate Terms

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Although values seldom change abruptly, events can influence what is valued at a particular point in time by a particular culture: engines of change. Core values remain relatively stable even when society experiences abrupt changes. A desire for value change may emerge from the collective experience of those in a field or in society in general, with value conflict as the cause or effect of this change: new information. One of the great unanswered questions that may produce a significant value change, if it can ever be established, is the determination of the point at which life begins. Although it has been said that there is nothing new under the sun, new discoveries about old things do happen. As you investigate the immediate causes and historical background of your value proposition, be alert for new discoveries, new directions, and shifts in thinking that point to changing values: political and ideological change.