ANTH 010 Lecture Notes - Lecture 16: Neoliberalism, World-Systems Theory, Special Member State Territories And The European Union

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Nationalism ideas that identify and individual with a political entity. Unites different cultural divisions as well as other divisions. There is something wrong with you, you"re not like me . Recently sunni dominated the shiite muslims who were the. How did countries develop, what makes them rich or poor. Elite of poor countries may become extremely wealthy. How do countries develop: modernization theory. Idea that countries go through stages of development. Theory began in the us and with capitalism (the us uses this theory in their government aid for foreign countries and in the peace corps) Capitalism a set of scientific principles, not a particular culture. Universal principles applies to all people at all times. Each country will find its economic niche and play in the world market. Must also have the rule of law and political stability. In order to prevent people from moving stocks and cash overseas if the economy becomes unstable.