MATH-1428 Lecture 3: 1.3 Linear Functions, Slope, and Applications

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1. 3 linear functions, slope, and applications: sterling. Provide a generalization to each of the key terms listed in this section. Linear functions are functions, which are normally labeled f , if they are written in the following form: f (x) = mx + b. Parts of linear functions f (x) m x + b. Linear function examples y = 2x + 5 f (x) = . Constant functions are functions where its slope is always 0, which can be explained by the follow- ing: Constant function examples f (x) = mx + b f (x) = (0)x + b f (x) = 0 + b f (x) = b y = 7 f (x) = 4 y = 0. 5. A grade, as if on a road or highway, is the slope but it"s expressed as a percent, which notes not steep a road is, which its formula is the following: