Permachart - Marketing Reference Guide: Medulla Oblongata, Infrahyoid Muscles, Pharyngeal Muscles

1613 views2 pages
3 Jun 2015

Document Summary

Figure 3: nerves of upper body (anterior view) Motor ciliary muscle, sphincter of pupil, most external eye muscles. Sensory anterior 2/3 of tongue, soft palate. Sensory posterior 1/3 of tongue, pharynx, middle ear. Motor and sensory heart, lungs, trachea, pharynx, gi tract. 4 w w w . p e r m a c h a r t s . c o m. Figure 1: lobes of brain: each hemisphere of the cerebrum is divided into five lobes with specialized functions in each one. & functions: the twelve pairs of cranial nerves are attached to the base of the brain and travel through various openings in the skull to reach specific areas of innervation. Figure 3: nerves of upper body: the brachial plexus is formed by the ventral roots (green) of spinal nerves c5-t1 proximally to distally, they then form. 3 trunks (superior, middle, and inferior [blue]), 3 anterior and.