21127 Lecture Notes - Lecture 6: Empty Set, Subset, Burh

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Please write your andrew id on your homework! It is how grades are entered into cmg, so help us out. There is now a place on the latex template for this. Reminder about tutoring options: excel tutoring: work in groups, get help with course material from a group tutor. Sign up in cyert hall b5: walk-in tutoring: tutoring for 21-127 will be available on wednesday nights from 8:30-11:00 p. m. in both the donner reading room and the mudge reading room. As usual, the service is free of charge and students can drop in for help without an appointment. Hopefully, you spent some time over the weekend internalizing the concept of a set. A set is a collection of objects that have a common, well-de ned property. The objects contained in a set are called elements of the set. The mathematical symbol represents the phrase is an element of (and / represents is not an element of ).