TH 210 Lecture Notes - Lecture 5: Gladiator, Plautus, Naumachia

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28 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Battle of corinth 146 bc: romans defeat greeks, what is the result of the defeat of greece, romans did not destroy grecian culture, they had their artists work for them, and teach others their artistic techniques. Where was roman theatre performed: early theater held on the streets or in people"s homes. Walls of homes painted to resemble scenes: or small wooden states were built and then destroyed. Do we: daily roman life, romans (higher-class) spent a lot of time grooming: baths, perfumes, the shaved, waxed and plucked body was the accepted norm, clothing is posh: comfortable and colorful. Vii. roman culture why did they create theatre and for what purpose: pre-christian cults allowed to worship freely - including jews, and a worship of militarism, theaters dedicated to goddess: venus, patron of beauty and prostitutes. Viii. how did the romans alter the look of theatres: they cut the orchestra section of the performing space.