MU 221 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Vibrato, Glissando, Music Of Africa

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15 Jan 2017

Document Summary

The chords don"t follow the letter structure. As slaves, soul was a daughter genre of african music. African traditional music was very important in african society. Folk was combined with african music in freedom songs sang by african. Consonance is harmonious tones which seem to compliment each other while dissonance is contrasting tones. Rhythm is very important in african instrument. Most of the instruments in a group will be forms of drums. Often referred to as a bell pattern. Sometimes there is a great difference in multiple rhythms, but they line up to when they need to. Jazz is not polyrhythmic, but has some of that flavor in the form of syncopation. Tone color is what allows us to distinguish one instrument from another. More focused on in western music, but in african music, the idea of tone color doesn"t exist as much. Tone decoration is when a musician plays a note, the note changes over time.