CSC 171 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Assembly Language

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22 Feb 2017

Document Summary

Instruction set: a set of things in binary language that the cpu actually understands. Servo: a tiny motor for robots. the only thing they understand is how much power comes in. Assembly language: very low level. only does things that cpu knows how to understand. Programming language: must have a layer of abstraction, everything is guaranteed to be unambiguous, limited set of keywords. The more keywords, the more time is takes to process them: needs variable(s, repetition, conditional (if) 5 kinds of things that happen to be in your room that needs to be cleaned (shirts, socks, books, pillows, charging cables, etc. ) must have 6 write on a piece of paper and turn in next class. This location is stored in memory. setlocation() changes these properties every frame. A = b % c modulo: gets rid of the remainder int > 4. This stores the variable direction as type int: int direction = 1.