CHEM 1A Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Electromagnetic Spectrum, Diffraction

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19 Nov 2017

Document Summary

Top of peak to next top of peak. Blue waves= 400 nm has smaller wavelength and faster frequency. Top line is frequency. bottom line is wavelength. Uv=ultraviolet higher than visible x-rays and gamma rays= dangerous types, higher than uv can select perfect wave for the job based on energy. Minimum vision we can see= candle on a dark clear night at 30 miles. Diffraction= shoot light onto surface that has a small hole, light will go through hole and spread out. Nodes= no probability of finding light this is a point of destructive interference, peak of one wave hits valley of another wave leading to no light. Constructive interference= peak lines up with peak leading to just longer wave. Line spectra= absorbs specific lines and emits very specific wave lengths. Quantum mechancics is all about making discreet amounts of or quantum values for energy.