PSYC 2230 Lecture Notes - Lecture 3: Russ Feingold, David Buss, Parental Investment

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21 Oct 2012

Document Summary

Each brain wave is correlated with a particular behavioural state (ex: alpha waves person is awake, alert, but calm. Beta wave person is awake, alert, but active. Delta/theta waves person may be moving more towards drowsiness and sleep) Children who observed this model were put in similar situation and see whether imitate: social analysis: here we examine situational/social factors such as in asch"s on conformity. Or milgram"s work on obedience: asch"s 5 confederates planted in experiment; participants observed their response, and see whether subjects dis/agree. Subjects will conform, deny their sense, and agree on the perception of others: milgram: learner is confederate, gets shocked if get answers wrong. Freud viewed conflict as giving rise to anxiety and this was aversive and motivated the organism into psychological defenses such as repression. If the energy is specific than that energy can direct and guide behaviour toward goals. Freud postulated 2 energy sources: libido or sexual energy and aggression or destructive capacity.