CHEM 3050 Lecture Notes - Lecture 49: Mechanosensitive Channels, Alpha Helix, Large-Conductance Mechanosensitive Channel

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CHEM 3050
Lecture 49
Gated Channels
- Gated channels are not always open respond to
o Change in pH
o Binding of ligand or small molecule
- Neuronal K channel is voltage-gated
o It responds to depolarization
o Helices near intracellular side move to expose the
pore on the extracellular side
o After the channel first opens, N-terminal segment
of protein moves to block the pore; this is why it
doesn’t reopen immediately.
- Mechanosensitive channels
o Open in response to membrane tension
o Set of alpha helices move past each other to alter
packing arrangement
o Opening lined with bulky hydrophobic
residues. This is why nothing is able to get
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