PS101 Lecture : Chapter 15 Notes Notes on chapter 15 in point form

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Psychology study notes: chapter 15: treatment of psychological disorders. Freud is widely credited with launching modern psychotherapy. Treatments: how many types are there: insight therapies: Insight therapy is talk therapy in the tradition of freud"s psychoanalysis. Clients engage in complex verbal interactions with their therapists. The goal of these discussions is to pursue increased insight regarding the nature of the client"s difficulties and to sort through possible solutions. It can be conducted with an individual or with a group. Broadly speaking, family therapy and marital therapy fall in this category: behavior therapies: They are based on the principles of learning. Instead of emphasizing personal insights, behavior therapists make direct efforts to alter problematic responses and maladaptive habits. Behavior therapists work on changing clients" over behaviours. They use different procedures for different kinds of problems: most of their procedures involve classical conditioning, operant conditioning or observational learning, biomedical therapies: Biomedical approaches to therapy involve interventions into a person"s biological functioning.