Media, Information and Technoculture 2157A/B Lecture 1: 2157 Week 1

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This week: the inevitable chapter 1 & 2. Next week: o"neill: shell shocked and arms race . 1990: tim berners-lee, research scientist in switzerland develops the first world. The world wide web when first created it was a nice page that had links on it that took you to different places. We should have an information system with a link embedded in it which will take you to another place. 1993: release of mosaic: the first widely available web browser with a graphical user interface. 1994: first genuine search engines: alta vista, webcrawler. In library school in the 1990s, being informed means reading everything that appeared on the hit list, now we may not even go past the first page on google. People gathered together websites that were useful and sent them to yahoo and they categorized these websites. Directory: a collection of web resources gathered and indexed by collaborative human effort: yahoo!