Media, Information and Technoculture 2100F/G Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Product Placement, Making Money, Effective Demand

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Media are both commodities in their own right and accelerate the circulation of other commodities. Many media use both methods of making money. Advertising both: creates its own specific forms of media e. g. billboards, promotional displays, pays for other media forms e. g. newspapers, radio, television, film, internet, branded packaging social media. Advertising accounts for 2/3 revenues of all newspapers, the majority of broadcast tv and radio funding, and over 90% of social media and search engines. A major interest of political economy of media is how different revenue streams, from audiences or advertising, shape media content. Product placement in video games & video games. Today, on both broadcast and cable tv ads occupy 14 to 15 min of each hour. And there are more and more ads into this time. Only recently had tvs ad dependence been challenged. Early tv programming was directly supplied by corporate sponsors. Sponsor buys ad time at prices based on ratings measurements of watching audience.