Management and Organizational Studies 1021A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Applicant Tracking System, Job Performance, Job Design

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MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
MOS 1021A/B Full Course Notes
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Maintaining positive employee and labour relations: responsibilities like providing satisfying and engaging work environments and maintaining positive relations with employees, conducts collective bargaining to negotiate an employment contract with union members and communicates with union. Establishing and administering hr policies: establish policies related to hiring, discipline, promotions, benefits and other activities of. Hrm, and then communicate the policy and its importance to all employees: collect and safeguard information, preparation of employee handbooks, processing job applications, performance appraisals, govt-mandated reports, records about employees that require accuracy and sensitivity to privacy. Employment equity: women, members of visible minorities, aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, best practices of exemplary orgs are recognized in employment equity act annual. Employment/labour standards: fed/prov/territorial laws provide minimum standards for, minimum wage, overtime pay, hours of work and work scheduling, general holidays, annual vacations, benefits for part-time workers, parental leave, layoff procedures, terminations and severance pay.