Microbiology and Immunology 2500A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 32: Ascaris Lumbricoides, Scotch Tape, Tongue Depressor

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Parasitology ii: helminths lecture 32 april 1st, 2019. 3 large groups: nematodes (roundworms, cylindrical, but round on slide, cestodes (tapeworms, segmented flatworms, trematodes (flukes, unsegmented flatworms, need to know. Intestinal nematodes: enterobius vermicularis (pinworm, ascaris lumbricoides, hookworms, anisakis. Enterobius vermicularis: pinworm: ubiquitous worm of childhood. Soil transmitted helminths: nematodes (roundworms, ascariasis, hookworm, trichuiasis (whipworm, strongyloides (threadworm) Ascaris lumbricoides: large, males and females - not hermaphrodites. If there is only 1 worm and it"s male, there will never be any eggs in the stool: no eggs in stool cannot rule out ascaris. Intestinal phase: usually asymptomatic unless very heavy infestation, adult worms may be: coughed up, vomited, or emerge from nose or anus, adult worms may migrate into: common bile duct, pancreatic duct, appendix etc. and cause obstruction. Trichuris trichirua (whipworm: adult resembles whip, normally see the bi-operculated eggs. In severe cases, may even bend the opposite way: growth stunting, growing more slowly and not according to the normal growth curve.