Kinesiology 3222A/B Lecture Notes - Thyroid, Gonad, Pituitary Gland

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Most cells of body are affect by hormones. Hormones can alter metabolism / regulate growth & development / influence reproductive processes. Hormones rely upon receptors to initiate actions. Exocrine: secret products into ducts that deliver to body cavities/outer surface, don"t have hormones, example: gall bladder (secretes bile) Will secrete some hormones just not primary role. Organs dispersed through body: cranial cavity, thyroid gland in neck, abdominal, etc. Amino acid: derived from amino acids, most hormones are peptide based, molecular size varies greatly. From amino acid to proteins: affect target cell by binding to receptor. Hormones bind to receptor surface found in plasma membrane of cell. Steroids: derived from cholesterol, only gonadal and adrencortical produce steroid hormones, lipid soluble because of cholesterol. Plasma membrane made up of lipids: diffuse into target cells through plasma membrane, bind intracellular receptor to transmit signals (receptor inside cell) Synapse between one axon and dendrite or target cell. All muscle cells, smooth muscles, organs, other neurons.