Kinesiology 1080A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Tiger Woods, Kinesiology, Frontal Lobe

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Individual who listens to stanford football game on the radio - vadley: causes his driving to worsen than it did from listening to classical music. Pool of cognitive activities, spatial activities, motor activities; each individual element has distinct pools and all can be performed at once as long as no individual element capacity is exceeded. Good construct of the development of attention. Attention is specific to a specific task being performed. Have at least 3 pools of attentional resources (spatial, cognitive, motor) Consider attention to be a fixed and undifferentiated capacity, but mediated by: arousal and anxiety level, specific task demands, selectivity. 1 attention; this is undesirable as it limits primary task performance as attentional system is currently so small. Jet cockpit of f22 raptor wanting it to. Six age groups (6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 19) performing in each of four experimental conditions: skating only, skating only and identifying geometric figures, skating and stickhandling, skating, stickhandling and identifying figures.