Biology 3316A/B Lecture Notes - Lecture 1: Glutaminase, Gene Expression, Neural Tube

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Slide 8: 4 main types of glial cells: oligodendrocytes: Slide 10: astrocytes are involved in blood flow that occurs with capillaries in blood brain barrier, they bind to the endothelial cells and gap junctions to send info to other astrocytes. If we knock out mbp (mylelin based proteins) , then we cant have mylenation wont happen: mls and als are caused by axons not having mylenation. Synaptic plasticity to occur when learning new skill: very difficult to repair damaged mylenated axons, sometimes not possible. Explain how: oligodendrocytes can change the behavior of firing neurons even though they cannot discharge electrical impulses of their own, astrocytes guide early brain development and change synapse function, microglia keep their fellow brain cells healthy throughout life. Slide 7: overview of birth, lineage, and death of cells: Overview of the birth, lineage, and death of cells. Copyright 2013 by w. h. freeman and company.