Anatomy and Cell Biology 3319 Lecture Notes - Lecture 26: Sesamoid Bone, Bursitis, Mechanical Advantage

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Abcde = psoas major, illiacus, pectineus, sartorius, rectus femoris. What is a joint: point at which 2 bones articulate with each other, vary in structure and function, degree of movement at joint is determined by structure of joint. 2 cartilaginous slightly movable (amphiarthroses) a b. 3 synovial highest degree of mobility (diarthroses) a. Sutures, found only in skull, during development, bones separated by short collagen fibers a. With age fibrous tissue ossifies, bones become fused. Surgeons insert shunt that allows csf to drain out, tube will be put subcutaneously in chest: cartilaginous joints slightly movable, distal tibiofibular articulation. Fibers short no movement tibia and fibia need to be solid when running: articulation of tooth with socket. Connecting ligament is periodontal ligament: synovial joints (classified by shape) highly movable. Plane intercarpal bones of hand, articular processes of vertebrae. Pivot proximal radio-ulnar joint, atlas, axis. Condyloid metacarpal phalangeal joints, wrist joints. Saddle first metacarpal bone of thumb.