Anatomy and Cell Biology 3309 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Trachea, Alveolar Cells, Tubular Gland

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Outline: lab 13: integumentary system, lab 14: respiratory system. Epidermis: where we notice difference in thin and thick, stratified squamous epithelium, avascular, a # of. Dermis: vasculature, hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands reside here. Divided into 5 layers (in thick skin plantar skin): stratum corneum. Dermis (mesodermal origin) divided into 2 layers: papillary layer: Right underneath epidermis (where it contacts it) Hypodermis: mainly composed of adipocytes (most are white adipocytes, will have some glands, bv"s, ct. Ridges interdigitate and lock together (they increase sa of both epidermis/dermis) Epidermal ridges: interpapillary peg, epidermal ridge, or rete ridge. Clear cytoplasm and densely staining central nucleus. Cell body sits in the stratum basale. Have processes that can travel up in stratum spinosum. Melanin is sitting on top of the nucleus. Melanin has brownish appearance (similar to lipofuscin) Can be differentiated from keratinocytes: langerhans cells. Dendritic in shape (have lot of processes) Chew up anything that"s not supposed to be there.