Anatomy and Cell Biology 2221 Lecture Notes - Lecture 4: Hyoid Bone, Temporal Muscle, Anatomical Terms Of Motion

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Name the muscles of mastication, their attachments and functions. Describe the arrangement of the tmj and relate the movement to the muscles. Identify the major bony landmarks of the temporal and mandible bones. 4 muscles that are controlling mastication (movement of tmj joint) I: travels under zygomatic arch and attached to coronoid process of mandible. F: elevates mandible (closes mouth), retracts (posterior fibers) A muscle of facial expression: whistle muscle. Helps bring food from cheek to tongue. Not mastication muscle (innervated by facial n. not trigeminal n. ) 2 pterygoid muscles arise from lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid. Named lateral and medial based on where they come off the plate. Medial pterygoid runs same direction as masseter and will assist in elevation: o: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate, f: helps close the mouth (elevation of jaw) If problem with tmj: look at lateral pterygoid first. Green- parotid duct secreting saliva into mouth.