SOC303H1 Lecture Notes - Lecture 2: Industrial Revolution, Assisted Suicide, Leonardo Dicaprio

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8 May 2017

Document Summary

We can look at history and how it unfolds, in particular we can look at small historical events that might seem unrelated can have long lasting consequences. We cannot comprehend the present until we explain the past. Historiography that attempts to answer what if questions. They like to look back in time and ask if those happened differently. At the time, in the late 1960s, a popular flag was the blue outside, luster b. Critical junctures in the course of world history. If relatively minor events had unfolded differently during these turning points, the coarse of the world history would have been dramatically altered. There were thousands other similar nationalist"s parties that had similar sentiments. Turning points that can be influential and path dependant for relatively small events or details of larger historical trends. Or if osama did not live, maybe 9/11 would not happen. Peoples choices in the present are limited/restricted by events that have occurred in the past.